Social Icons


Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012


today I got a job as a medical volunteer in the graduation procession,
experience also remarkable though it looks simple.

they wore nice clothes that day. gives the impression of luxury. wear high heels, kebaya, toga.

very sacred indeed. when the inaugural, I'll set my feet pounding on the alma mater of Airlangga. what would I do there then?

and this afternoon I think, when one day I was at graduation. maybe I'll think, what you will and can do after getting out of here.

I thought, what if my parents were on the first floor. they sit down and look straight ahead I was called as outstanding students with certain qualifications.
I want to make them proud ..

but now I'm still stumped, there are still many hurdles that must be faced.

I remember one thing today,

that success can not be judged from the position that we can, but the extent to which we are able to overcome the difficulties that confront

"kesuksesan tidak bisa dinilai dari jabatan yang kita dapatkan, tapi dari seberapa kuat kita mengatasi kesulitan"

sekembalinya ke sekre KSR, dan sewaktu akan pulang . aku melihat sesosok wajah.

bukan wajah itu yang menyulitkan diriku. tapi karena wajah itu yang membuatku menyulitkan diriku sendiri. so that why I must ignore it, not forget it.

I have a bad history with that face.

and I'm not going to let me complicate myself because of her face.

I want to convince myself that that incident would not make me weak.

even otherwise.

pretty hard to forget the incident, but that does not mean I can not ignore it

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